
The Cooperation with Universities

Applysia has been in use in teaching and research at universities throughout Germany since September 2023

The cooperation enables colleges, universities and lecturers to design their teaching and research with Applysia in a practical and user-oriented way. In doing so, students learn how to use digital tools for personnel selection and development and learn how scientific findings can be used in practice. The use of Applysia is completely free of charge for our cooperation partners.

Become a cooperation partner now

These universities already use Applysia


Why you should become a cooperation partner

Are you trying to introduce your students to the future of digital assessment while adhering to scientific standards? Then partnering with Applysia is the perfect solution.

Applysia is strongly oriented towards the scientific standards of the DIN 33430 for aptitude diagnostics. Therefore, its application occurs within the curriculum in subjects that have a connection to the DIN 33430.

With Applysia, the processes of personnel selection and development can be digitally represented and conducted. This provides students with a direct insight into scientific methods of aptitude diagnostics and helps them learn how to use digital tools in a professional context.

The user-friendly structure of the software facilitates a seamless transition between theoretical concepts and practical application.

Possible academic disciplines include:

  • Aptitude diagnostics
  • (Business) psychology
  • Work and organisational psychology
  • Diagnostics & test theory
  • Other references to DIN 33430

Benefits für Studierende

Unsere Hochschulkooperation bietet den Studierenden eine einzigartige Chance, praktische Erfahrungen zu sammeln, ihre Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln und sich auf ihre zukünftige Karriere vorzubereiten, indem sie praxisnah mit modernen Tools und Methoden der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung arbeiten.


Praxisnahe Erfahrungen

Durch die digitale Durchführung von Assessment- und Development-Centern mit Applysia  erhalten die Studierenden wertvolle Erfahrungen im Bereich der Eignungsdiagnostik. Sie lernen, wie solche Verfahren in der Praxis angewendet werden und wie man sie effektiv plant und durchführt.


Einblicke in moderne Methoden

Die Studierenden erhalten Einblicke in moderne und innovative Methoden der Personalauswahl und -entwicklung. Dies ermöglicht es ihnen, ihre Kenntnisse über theoretische Konzepte aus dem Studium mit praktischen Anwendungen zu verbinden und ihre Fähigkeiten in einem relevanten Kontext zu vertiefen.


Kollaborative Lernumgebung

Die Simulation der Aufgaben im Beruf gestaltet gleichzeitig eine kollaborative Lernumgebung. Die Studierenden haben die Möglichkeit, sowohl als Kandidat*in als auch als Beobachter*in an den digitalen Assessments teilzunehmen und sich gegenseitig Feedback zu geben.


Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen

Die Teilnahme an der Planung, Durchführung und Evaluation von Assessment- und Development-Centern stärkt die Teamfähigkeit, Problemlösung, Kommunikation und das kritische Denken. Diese Fähigkeiten sind nicht nur für ihre akademische Laufbahn, sondern auch für ihren zukünftigen Berufserfolg von entscheidender Bedeutung.


How it works


Send cooperation request

Adjunct professors or lecturers send us a cooperation request with their names and institution.


Book a free Demo

Together, we'll schedule a demo where you'll get to know our product, and we can learn about your use case.


Get free access

After clarifying the framework conditions, you will receive your own, protected, and free access to the software.


Get started with Applysia

With your access, you can then design teaching in a practical and evidence-based manner.

Universities and lecturers receive free access to the software for lectures, seminars, research, dissertations or other forms of teaching and research.

Lecturers and students thus have the opportunity to simulate and conduct methods of personnel selection, such as interviews, role-playing, or case studies, using Applysia in an individual, protected workspace. This enables them to translate theoretical study contents into practice while documenting assessments and observations.

The final automatic evaluation of the assessments illustrates the advantages of digital aptitude diagnostics and how straightforward a well-founded personnel decision can be made.


What our cooperation partners say

Prof. Dr. Jörg Martens

Professor of Human Resources Management at the FH der Diakonie.

For our part-time students, the cooperation offers the opportunity to practice-orientated insights with a scientific foundation gain.

Harriet Lingel

Research assistant at the University of Ulm

I use Applysia both in teaching and research. In my research, it has significantly simplified and expedited data-, document-, and applicant management, allowing me to work much more efficiently. My students also benefit as Applysia provides them with insight into Assessment Center practices outside of the university, preparing them for their professional future.

Assessments with Applysia

  • Smooth planning and preparation of your Assessments in Applysia Cockpit and data-based process optimization with Applysia Insights
  • Simple Candidate Management and positive Candidate Experience with our Candidate Portal
  • Location and device-independent personnel selection using our Applysia (Web-) App